Three Words

_I have met more wonderful people in the last 3 years there than in the last 20 of my life!_.png

Embarking on a fitness journey is hard. New ways of doing things, like food preparation and making time for exercise. Prioritizing your time differently and making space for workouts in your day. Having sore muscles – and pretty much all the time… It’s not easy getting fit, and if you haven’t already guessed it, staying fit isn’t easy either. But I have a mantra that might help you stay on track. It’s just three words: Commitment, Consistency, and Patience.

1. COMMITMENT. The first step is commitment. Commit to a goal, daily or weekly actions, or a feeling you get after achieving something. Without a destination in mind there is no journey, only wandering. Oh, and don’t be afraid to dream big! Create an environment at work and at home that supports your goals. Ask your friends and family for support. Find a new circle of friends that will support you 100%, like your coaches and your fellow Blended members! One word of caution here based on my past experiences… I’m typically an all or nothing type of person. If you are too, then try to avoid a hard ‘start date’ or a grand statement saying ‘from now on, I resolve to…’ because when you falter, and we all falter, you run the risk of falling down completely – full face plant – and going back to old habits (aka quitting). Consider trying to make your commitments softer, more incremental and maybe even one small thing at a time.

2. CONSISTENCY. Your health and fitness goals need not overtake your entire life. I used to compete in bodybuilding and let me tell you, that was all consuming. Having a stage date meant no room for mistakes, which is exactly why I quit. I prefer a lot more flexibility in my day-to-day, and as I like to say, there should be room for red wine and chocolate in everyone’s life! Now, I like to follow what I call the 80/20 rule. Think of all the decisions you make in a day – what you eat and when, what you drink and how much, what you do for exercise, what time you go to bed… Each of those decisions will take you either a step towards your goal or a step away from it. If you can make about 80% of those decisions a step in the right direction, you’re moving forward, towards you goal. Remember: you are the sum of your decisions.

3. PATIENCE. Can you imagine if results were instant? How amazing would it be to eat well or lift weights for a day or two and have your biceps instantly bigger and your clothes looser!? Unfortunately, it’s not like that, and the reality is that seeing results requires patience. Lots of it. Like an entire painstaking month or more sometimes! But if you’re committed and you’re consistent, then don’t worry about it. Stop weighing yourself, stop being frustrated and don’t stress about it. Just trust the process. Change will happen but I guarantee you it will be slow. Probably slower than you think.

I should probably add a fourth word to my mantra, KINDNESS. No matter where you are in your fitness journey be kind to yourself, especially if you’re not where you want to end up yet. Every day try to celebrate your abilities, love your body, and surround yourself with positive thoughts. Your Blended family of coaches and members are behind you 100% if you’re in need of a boost.

Max Westhead