Wake Up Halifax Gyms: Your Members Deserve Better Than Your Subpar Programming


Don't Risk Your Health and Fitness at a Neglectful Gym - Blended Athletics Offers the Solution You Need.

It's time to call out the elephant in the room - the sad state of gym programming in the Halifax area. Let's face it, there are far too many gyms out there that provide poor programming. It's a sad reality that coaches are making up workouts on the spot, leaving members feeling lost and frustrated.

Proper programming in coaching and training is crucial to achieving safe and effective workouts that cater to individual needs and abilities. Programming refers to the workouts and strength sessions that coaches provide for their members. When designing a program, it's essential to consider individualized workouts designed for long and short-term goals. Coaches should have the ability to track progress, build on successes, pinpoint strengths and weaknesses, and eliminate plateaus.

Unfortunately, many gyms in the industry provide poor programming or disregard it altogether. This puts everyone in jeopardy, coaches, and athletes alike. When anyone comes to train, there is a particular reason for them to do so. Their goals may be different, but one thing remains the same - they want to succeed, and they trust their coaches and trainers to help them do that. This is why they continue to show up and train hard day in and day out, at all times of the day.

Coaches and trainers have a responsibility to consider each person and tailor every workout and session to meet their needs. That one-hour class is not our time to shine, but it is theirs. It's not enough to dance around while neglecting form and technique, yell, pump up the music, or motivate as a supplement. There must be real care, effort, and thought throughout, and that time starts long before the clock does.

At Blended Athletics, we take pride in our commitment to proper programming. We understand that it's essential to achieving real health and fitness results, and we are here to make our members' lives as easy as possible. We provide badass workouts, fully vetted and tested class plans, with tons of tools and resources to add more value to their memberships. This is what we do better than anyone else in the game, and we are proud of it. We believe that every member deserves the best, and that starts with our dedication to proper programming.

But what about the other gyms in the Halifax area? The ones that don't invest in their members' success and offer subpar programming?

It's unbelievable that a gym could care so little about their members' safety and well-being. How on earth are you supposed to achieve any kind of results when you're doing the same exercise or movements three days in a row? Aren't your legs so sore you can barely walk? Or worse yet, when you're doing burpees over and over again, class after class!

The sad reality is that these gyms are more concerned with making money than providing a valuable service to their members. They think that by offering the latest equipment and trendy classes, they can get away with neglecting the most important aspect of fitness - proper programming.

At these gyms, coaches are often unqualified and lack the knowledge and experience necessary to provide effective programming. They make up workouts on the spot without considering their members' goals or abilities. They communicate with other coaches or their owner to educate themselves on what the workout was yesterday and what will be the workout tomorrow. They can't track progress or make adjustments to the workouts to address weaknesses or prevent plateaus.

This lack of attention to programming not only leads to frustration and disappointment among members, but it also puts them at risk for injury. Without proper guidance and programming, members are more likely to perform exercises incorrectly, which can lead to pain, injury, and long-term damage.

That's why it's time to ditch those crappy gyms and head over to Blended Athletics. Our programming runs on cycles and has purpose. Our programming phases are planned an entire year in advance to make sure you're getting the best possible experience every time.

Kimberley Kidd