Mental toughness for workouts shouldn’t be a daily thing, but it should be a thing in your life if

you want to get stronger. It’s in every single one of us, but how to tap into it is different for

everyone. Find what works for you, no matter how strange it may be, and let the suffering


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Max Westhead

If this experience has taught me anything about the life I want to build, and also live, it’s that it’s not so much about where I’m headed as where I am, and how I’m showing up in this present moment. In the space of self-acceptance and compassion it is so much easier to meet myself and to be honest about what I need. Now like never before I remember to ask: Can I watch for the moments where I need to be ambitious and driven? Can I recognize the moments where I need to pause, reflect and rest? Can I take what this past nine months has given me and use it to be more joyful, effective and present, in my career, in my life, and in whatever I choose for my fitness? Can I remember it is about how I hold on and how I let go, and if I can meet myself somewhere between the two.

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Nikki Martin
Experiences From a Month Long Tech Detox

My rules were as follows: 1) Check my email or phone only 3 times a day. 2) Avoid all social media (I wasn't on it anyways). 3) Check the news once a day. 4) Can use tech for work between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm. 5) No Youtube or media sites that offer millions of hours worth of mindless distraction. 6) No news or radio. At all.

Here's what happened….

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Darryl Council
Show Up!

I keep showing up for myself because the thing that shifted in that moment with Danielle during my On Ramp was my mindset. I realized that I am in control of my confidence, my experiences and my fitness life. I am in control of the path I take to health and wellness. I am in control of my pursuit of excellence.

I still have doubts and struggle with my confidence. I still am trying to find my fitness identity. But I feel I have found my place and my people.

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Mary Durant
What You Can't See

Anxiety is a real thing, but nobody can see it; although everyone you speak to wants to fix it.

Nobody can see the coolness wash over the back of my left shoulder blade, wrapping itself around my chest and pressing deep with all its might until the coolness becomes a hot and stinging unbearable pain in the middle of my chest. My breath shortens and intensifies as my mind begins to cloud. All I can think to say to my panicking head is; “I am okay, I am safe, I can breathe (barely)”. I feel the coolness fill my nostrils and my chest as I breathe in; filling my lungs and feeling that burning sensation pull as my chest expands.

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Danielle Allaire
Why One Simple Act Can Change the World for the Better

The amazing thing about kindness is that it brings people closer together. One of the hardest things about our collective experience right now is that humans are more divided than ever before. Not only are we divided by our political views, we are divided by our opinions on science, child rearing practices, the cars we drive, even by the types of fitness classes we attend. Everywhere we look, it's "us" versus "them"; I hardly ever hear the word "we". Now add in the fact that most people walking around see every other human standing near or around them as their potential killer from an invisible virus, and you can clearly see where humanity is going.

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Darryl Council
Passionate about Pizza

For our founder, Brian Vallis, it was never in the plan to start a chain of family run pizzerias. It wasn’t some great business opportunity that just needed to be seized. It was the result of the winding path of life putting you, often abruptly, at an unavoidable crossroads. And this was the case for us almost exactly 10 years ago. It’s at these moments that you are confronted with a decision. Play it safe, stay in your comfort zone, and try to get things back on the road they were on? Or use this crossroads, this disruption in the normal course of your life's events, to allow yourself to pursue that crazy idea that’s been eating away at you for so long?

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John Vallis

I never thought strangers at a gym would be the people who helped me back to life, but that's how it's turning out. A community of sweaty people with their own reasons for lifting and pushing, surrounding me as I rewrite my trajectory. I get to make this life as big as I want it to be, maybe even bigger than I’m able to imagine right now. Everything feels like a possibility and I’m grateful for that one returned phone call on a Sunday in April, back when we all had to pivot.

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Tara Mills
Shifting your mindset!

How a little shift in mindset can lead to huge changes!

There is a little known Japanese business concept known as Kaizen that's become a staple for how I live my life. The main premise behind Kaizen is to make small, incremental improvements in key areas that overtime result in massive changes within an organization. But does this concept only apply to you if you wear a suit and tie and drink your coffee out of diamond studded travel mugs? Nope. This concept can be applied to absolutely everything from how you work, to your hobbies, to your relationships, even to how you workout.

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Darryl Council
Ride for Cancer

You might be wondering why someone would voluntarily commit themselves to sitting on a bike saddle for somewhere around 4 hours. In short, for me it is because of the sheer number of people affected by cancer. I’m guessing most of us either know someone or are someone who has been affected by this terrible disease. My mom is one of the lucky ones. She had a cancerous lump detected in a routine mammogram, that was successfully treated with radiation, and has been cancer-free for about 14 years.

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Paula Mercer
The Fear of Joining a Gym!

Recently I had a client tell me it took her 3 months to muster up enough courage to step into a gym for the first time. I know she is not alone! Choosing to join a gym can be a daunting task regardless of who you are. I’ve been in this industry for over 14 years as a personal trainer and coach and even I was full of stress and worries when I joined the team at Blended Athletics a few months ago. The truth is most of us get nervous having to enter new and unfamiliar environments.

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Jason Wardlifestyle
Darryl's Stress Management Techniques

If Humanity was a kid in the school yard, this Covid ordeal is the bully that's smacked us right in the face repeatedly day after day, week after week and month after month. We're stressed; more so now than any other time in most of our lives, and stressed about so many different things it's hard to fathom just how we can make it through to the next month. While the challenges of this year are seemingly endless, there are ways that you can RIDE these "Waves of Change", instead of sinking, or worse yet, drowning.

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Invest in Yourself.

If you are sick and tired of seeing other people having more success than you, then keep reading.

The idea of pursuing excellence is to give you and your family a better lifestyle.

It’s about taking care of your parents.

It’s about donating, giving to and supporting the causes that you believe in.

It’s about providing your kids with a better childhood than you had.


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The New Gym Protocol

We are so excited to welcome you all back! We have used this time to improve and change many things. Our priority was to make changes that maintained or improved member experience while ensuring the safety and enjoyment of members and coaches.

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David Rafuse

I was recently asked three questions for a publication.
How do I make workouts fun for me?
For clients?
And what is the most important thing for building healthy habits?

I can answer these three questions with one word….WHY!

One of the things I learned early on in my career was that there was no amount of external motivation I could give to someone to help them achieve their goals. Ultimately to help people create lasting success I realized I had to help them discover the fundamental purpose behind not only what they wanted but more importantly why they wanted it.

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