3 Ways to Grow Personal Success Through Confidence Building


Unlock Your Inner Potential and Achieve Personal Success Through Confidence Building

  1. Consistency: The Key to Personal Success

You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do; get up early, leave your comfort zone, and you don't have to challenge yourself. But if you don't, you won't have the results you want and you won't get that satisfying feeling of winning on those days. The most satisfying part of achieving a result you want or have wanted for a long time is knowing how hard you worked for it, knowing that YOU did it. It wasn't handed to you and it didn't happen overnight.

Personal success is all based on consistency. It's about building those little daily habits that lead to long-term success. In Dave Rafuse's piece on "The Long-term Benefits of Consistent Exercise" (link back to blog post), he talks about burning almost 127 thousand calories within 251 workouts in 2021, averaging over 500 calories per workout, resulting in approximately 3/4 of a pound per week. The importance of consistency is clear: if he hadn't kept those consistent lifestyle and fitness habits, he would have only lost 36 pounds in the year.

Consistency is important in more than just fitness and exercise, it's also crucial for your mental health. Too often, we put the time to strengthen our mindsets on the back burner. Confidence may come and go, some have more than others, but most of us have it in certain areas of our daily habits. I've seen incredibly talented athletes who are terrified to walk through the gym doors, and personal training experts who are afraid to share their views with others because they may be questioned.

For me, I love helping and speaking to others to change their lives, but I'm terrified of public speaking and to even speak to a camera. However, I do it because it helps me leave my comfort zone, and every time I do it, it becomes easier. Building confidence starts with leaving your comfort zone, not by leaps, but by steps. Each step you take expands your comfort zone, and things become easier and easier. Start something new today.

  1. The Power of Owning Your Morning

When that alarm clock goes off in the morning, you have two options. You can get up and start your day, or you can hit the snooze button again (and maybe a few more times) before waking up in a panic and missing your morning routine, workout, breakfast, and having to grab a coffee on the way to work to calm your anxiety before the day even starts. Clearly, the first option is the better choice to achieve personal success.

One of my favorite books is "The 5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma. I know, when you hear "5 AM," it can make your eyes roll or your stomach turn. But it's not my favourite book because it makes you get up earlier in the morning. It's my favourite book because it talks about "owning your morning" and how, if you own your morning, you can win your day.

The first hour of your day can be your first few accomplishments or habits. Those hours set the tone for the rest of the day. Usually, one task completed leads to another, and another. To own your morning, we need to refer back to consistency. It doesn't have to be at 4 or 5am, but it needs to be consistent. In my opinion, the earlier you can accomplish it the better. If you find yourself rushed in the morning, that probably means you should try to start things a little earlier.

Your morning routine should consist of three things: something for the body (light to moderate physical activity), something for the mind (journaling, goal setting/review, or some form of self-expression, like gratitude writing), and something for the soul/something to learn (reading, listening to a podcast or audiobook). This may seem like a lot, but it can add more structure and purpose to your day.

By owning your morning, you're in control of your daily habits and you set the tone for how the rest of it will go. So, instead of hitting the snooze button, get up and take control of your day. You'll be surprised at how much more productive and satisfied you'll feel.

  1. Start Now

Don't wait for the perfect moment to start. The perfect moment is now. You don't need to have everything figured out or have all the resources you need. Just start and figure out the rest as you go along.

The hardest part is always starting, but once you get going, momentum will build and things will start falling into place. Don't let fear, uncertainty, or the possibility of failure hold you back. Embrace the journey and the challenges that come with it. You'll learn and grow along the way.

I recommend that you take that first step today. Every small victory, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is a step closer to your ultimate goal. Don't let yourself get discouraged or demotivated. Keep pushing forward and trust in the consistency on your journey to personal success.

Remember, if you do what is easy, life will be hard, but if you do what is hard, life will be easy. Start something new today and see where it takes you.

Jordan Forbes