Ways to Manage when that Stress Comes on, Part Two


Do you ever feel overwhelmed when life throws its tough moments your way? When stress and anxiety enlist their troops to march through our minds and bodies, we may wonder if it'll ever end. As hard as these times may be, the good news is that no matter how immense or abrupt they come, there are ways to manage them! We must recognize that managing stress is a long-term process, but by using certain tools and practices like deep breathing, mindfulness meditation and creative activities can help us cope healthily with even the most intense circumstances. So grab your cup of tea (or glass of wine) because today we're diving into proven strategies for managing stress.

  1. Journaling

Journaling can look different for everyone. People tend to think that journaling is a “diary” to write their feelings and emotions down- and for some it is. However, for others, there are many ways that we can approach journaling.

You could simply start with gratitude writing. It may sound silly, but I encourage you to give it a shot before you write it off. By practicing gratitude, you can change your approach to the day, improve your mental health and even help your relationships with the people around you. All it involves is simply sitting back and reminding ourselves what we have and what we are truly grateful for. 

For those prone to writer's block or forgetting important tasks, why not make the most of their morning coffee or tea by taking a few moments for review? Not only will this help organize one’s day and remember what needs to get done throughout it, but also prevents that panic moment just before bed when you suddenly realize something has slipped through the cracks. A little time in the mornings invested with your steaming beverage can go a long way towards helping keep on track all-day long!

Another approach to journaling could be to ask yourself two daily questions:

  1. What good can I do today?

  2. What good did I do today? 

This can be things for yourself or things for others. Reflecting on your day both before it starts, and when it’s coming to an end can be beneficial to find out things that you can improve on as the days move forward. There are so many ways to journal from self-expression, gratitude writing, or simply writing down reminders to yourself to avoid having everything build up at the end of the day.

There is no personal development without addressing your self-awareness. This alone should be a great reason to start a journal or some form of self-expression. My favourite reason for the journal is the mental results it gives me that help the way I live my everyday life.   

2. Meditation

People often think that meditation is getting spiritual, being in a quiet place, or being secluded from everyone or everything so they can focus, however, Meditation can be done in any way, anywhere, at any time. During the meditation process, you focus your attention on yourself. This allows your to simmer the thoughts in your mind that are crowding your ability to think clearly, and causing you the most stress.

When work piles up and begins to feel overwhelming, allow yourself a pause. Take some time for your own mental health by stepping away from the task in front of you – close your eyes if possible - take three to five full breaths, focusing on nothing but each breath itself. When done with this quick break and recharge, return invigorated and ready to tackle that mountain of tasks at hand!

3. Your Me time

Last but certainly not least (maybe even the most important), we are going to talk about “me time”. If you are stressed out because you are feeling overwhelmed and underproductive, maybe this means it's time to take a quick step away, relax and have some fun. How can you be productive when you are burning the candle at both ends? Me time is one of the most important things someone could add throughout the week to help those coping with stress.

Taking time for self-care and self-love can change and improve not only your mental but your physical health. Most of us get so overwhelmed and stressed because we are running around doing everything for everyone else, but we are forgetting to remember one important thing. You cannot pour from an empty cup. How can one expect to help, love, and care for everyone else if you can’t help, love and care for yourself? Me time can be an hour to yourself every couple of days, to do things that you enjoy!

This can look like a skincare routine every night or morning, or it can be your time in the morning when you sit out on your porch and enjoy the smells of the outdoors while enjoying your morning coffee.

For some people, it could be as simple as just sitting back on your couch and breathing, or even taking a nap. It can be a form of self-expression of artwork, drawing, reading, or writing. At the end of a long day, take time to do something you love and reflect upon it. You'll be surprised at how much more efficient this can make your life! 

If you are coping with stress in your everyday life, and let's be honest we all deal with stress to some capacity, try these out and even if one helps, I will consider that a win. This is not an overnight fix, these are things you can and should implement into your weekly routines. Enjoy. 

Jordan Forbes